Westfield Primary School Prospectus

L O V E O F L E A R N I N G, L O V E O F L I F E Westfield P R IMA R Y S CHOOL

I am extremely proud to be Headteacher of Westfield Primary School. We are a school that puts the whole child at the heart of everything we do. Every pupil is valued and all achievements celebrated, in order that a sense of PRIDE (the ethos that under pins everything we do) and individual’s well-being is a prominent feature of our learning community. Our exceptional staff offer a curriculum that is enriched, creative and stimulating. We want all children to succeed; to achieve their full potential, be prepared for the future and become confident , thoughtful young people so that they leave us prepared for the future challenges of an exciting and global world. Our school grounds are extensive offering children a wealth of interest and activity. We have a large playing field, enticing playground with static fitness, staging, musical instruments and climbing and balancing equipment . There is also an environmental garden with a pond and outdoor learning area and classroom. Our “Reading Shed” offers a book swap facility enabling children to borrow books and read them at home or lunchtime - just for fun! The school values and promotes well-being across the whole school community, nurturing relationships within the school that are positive and happy, reflecting our caring ethos. We want all Westfield children to foster a Love of Learning and a Love of Life, enabling them to excel, be the best they can and achieve the necessary life skills for their future. As part of the EEEA MAT we belong to a family of Schools working together to make a positive difference to our communities. Mrs Karyn Hing HEADTEACHER Welcome to Westfield Community Primary School • Westfield Primary School promotes a dynamic learning environment , in which children are supported, respected, encouraged and motivated as individuals. • All staff provide a safe, secure and nurturing environment , for life-long learning, which reflects the ethos of the school. • We promote working in partnership with parents, as we believe that working together positively is vital in supporting each child’s educational development . • Children are given an understanding of their role as an inclusive citizen, in a fast changing and multi-cultural world. • Well-being is a prominent focus of our school. • High quality teaching, which is meaningful and relevant , is planned to challenge and excite all children. • The curriculum is broad, creative and stimulating, whilst equipping children with the necessary life skills for their future. The Aims & Ethos of our School Positivity Respect Independence Diversity Excellence “ At Westfield I’ve found my daughter is appreciated and encouraged to develop and succeed as an individual. The teachers and Head are easy to talk to and clearly want the very best for every pupil.” PARENT VIEW Love of Learning, Love of Life WESTFIELD PRIMARY’S PRIDE

Respect The school is a family, with every member committed to high expectations, teamwork, mutual respect , support and understanding. We are proud of our children’s high standards of behaviour. We encourage them to take responsibility for their actions, be kind; to respect themselves, the school, other people, their property and their environment . Children are expected to take pride in their appearance and wear school uniform, which provides them with a sense of community and shared expectations. The children are given a range of opportunities to share their achievements, talents and successes with the whole school. Each week, through our assemblies, we congratulate children on a variety of achievements. We celebrate sporting achievements throughout the year and children play an active role in creating a positive community. The school council help make decisions about our school and participate in every aspect of school life. We want our children to be happy, have high selfesteem and develop confidence in themselves and their abilities so that they can learn to handle new situations. We want them to enjoy school, developing a questioning approach to life that will equip them for a rapidly changing world. “ Respect others for them to respect you back.” YEAR 6 PUPIL “ I asked my child if there was anything the school can do to make it more enjoyable and she said, ‘No!’”PARENT VIEW “ I love Westfield because we do fun clubs; my favourites are Cheer Leading and Gymnastics.” YEAR 5 PUPIL “ We are all supported at Westfield.” YEAR 6 PUPIL “ Westfield School is really exciting; to be part of it is just amazing!”YEAR 5 PUPIL “R espect is having good manners, being polite to everyone and treating everyone well.” YEAR 6 PUPIL “ We treat our friends how we want to be treated.” YEAR 1 PUPIL Positivity

Independence Diversity All children are encouraged to make wise choices, thinking for themselves and developing their place in society. “ Independence is people who have their own unique style, independent ideas, they don’t follow the crowd.” YEAR 6 PUPIL “ I am impressed with the imaginative and entertaining ways the curriculum is taught” PARENT VIEW Life skills are promoted as we lay the foundations for life-long learning. “ We can learn more by learning maths – I love maths!” YEAR 2 PUPIL Family Learning ideas provide termly opportunities for our children to develop their independent learning skills. “ Westfield encourages active minds and a sense of achievement and enjoyment in learning.” YEAR 2 PUPIL We offer a wide range of experiences and opportunities for children to learn about and extend their interests, recognising that everyone is unique. We are committed to responding to a variety of learning needs, including gender, children with SEND, those who are exceptionally gifted or talented, children from all social and cultural backgrounds, children of different ethnic groups and children whose first language is not English. Creativity is a feature of our curriculum. “ I learnt that it’s okay to be different at Westfield.” YEAR 6 PUPIL “ As a parent governor I am constantly impressed by the diverse and imaginative way the school and all the staff create stimulating learning opportunities for all the children. Seeing the children actively engaging with and enjoying these experiences is wonderful and to know that they are also learning so much from them is even bet ter!” PARENT GOVERNOR VIEW

AN ENTICING PLAYGROUND ... COOKERY ROOM, DEDICATED COMPUTING SUITE, CURIOSITY CORNER AND WILD GARDEN Excellence WE HAVE A SUPERB SITE, WITH A LARGE HALL AND STAGE, A VAST PLAYING FIELD ... “The Governors and Leadership team are commit ted and care deeply about ensuring that Westfield gives each pupil the very best start in life by developing their skills, confidence and understanding of what the world can offer them and how they can contribute to making it a bet ter place for all” PARENT GOVERNOR Learning Facilities We believe that children learn best when they are highly involved in their learning and enjoy it! Our creative curriculum reflects this. All teachers are motivated, highly qualified and committed to excellent teaching and learning. Trips in the local area, workshops and visitors are an integral part of the curriculum, as we believe children learn better through first-hand experience. To enhance the curriculum further we offer many opportunities to visit places of educational interest . Through our pledge we aim to widen our children’s experiences. “ As Chair of Governors I am very proud that the school is entirely inclusive and welcomes all children from a diverse range of backgrounds and life experiences. As a school we work tirelessly to provide the best possible start to school life, to enable every child to reach their full potential and help them to aim high in a safe and secure environment .” “The best things about Westfield are the trips and tournaments.” YEAR 6 PUPIL “You can sit down, eat your food and chat to your friends.” YEAR 2 PUPIL

Working Together We need and value your help in making your child’s school days happy and successful. The home environment is a huge influence on children’s progress in learning. You can help your child before they start school and throughout their school life, by working in partnership with us, encouraging them to enjoy school, be confident about trying new things and to be curious and independent . The things you may well do anyway all help: read with them, play with them, talk to them, encourage them to help around the home. These are things which help to build essential skills which support their learning and wellbeing throughout school. This helps us to help your child get the most from their school experience. “. .’I love school, Mummy’ What better confirmation that Westfield Primary was the best choice for my son. His progress has been fantastic!”PARENT VIEW We believe that we are partners together in your child’s future and that we need to talk to, understand and respect each other. We operate an open door policy which means we hope that you will feel happy to come into the school and feel part of it , through a range of activities, events and meetings, so that your child will really benefit from his or her time with us. “ I really enjoyed the ‘Dads Day’ open afternoon- it was a great chance to get involved in my son’s class. I was impressed by the staff, the classroom and the facilities available to pupils!” PARENT VIEW During each term we have a variety of opportunities to come into the school to learn more about what’s going on. This includes, weekly stay and play in Reception, coffee mornings and sharing afternoons. Our monthly newsletters and website will keep you up to date! At key points in the year parents/ carers are invited to attend special assemblies or services. These include individual class assemblies, the Harvest and Easter assemblies and various Christmas events. Through questionnaires and speaking with us we actively encourage parents and carers to share any ideas, raise issues or concerns with us. We care very much about the relationship we have with you and your feedback helps us improve. We are part of the EEEA Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) which are a group of ‘Schools working together to make a positive difference to our communities’. We place staff and children’s wellbeing at the heart of what we do, whilst working as a collaborative organisation focused on achieving excellence.

Westfield Primary School Bonsey Lane, Westfield, Woking, Surrey GU22 9PR Tel: 01483 764187 Email: info@westfield.surrey.sch.uk www.westfield.surrey.sch.uk