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Usain Bolt Sculpture

During Diversity Week, every year group learnt about an inspirational person; Year 6 chose Usain Bolt. Throughout the week the children completed cross  curricular activities surrounding the topic of Usain Bolt. From writing              biographies, making clay Olympic medals, to analysing his race times. The       children felt Usain was an incredibly inspiring role model, who achieved great things. One of his most inspirational quotes is, “I know what I can do, so I never doubt myself.”

To add to the excitement of the week, an artist, Steve Porter, came into school to help Year 5 and 6 make a sculpture of Usain Bolt. Year 5 spent the day      creating his shape out of chicken wire and paper mache, while Year 6 added layers of coloured tissue paper and paint to complete this magnificent sculpture.


This incredible piece of artwork is currently sitting centre stage in our lobby for everyone to see.