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It’s that time of year again where we start to look ahead to our annual Book Week. Once again we have an action packed week with author visits, ‘Bringing books to life’ workshops, paired reading and a live performance of ‘Oliver Twist’

Get Caught reading

We all know that our children love to read. Again, we have launched our ‘Get caught reading’ competition. We had some fantastic responses last year so we would love to see where the children will get caught reading this year. Please email your entries to the school office or hand your photo to Miss Liddiard or Mrs Lee by Friday 1st March. The winning entry will be chosen on WORLD BOOK DAY on Thursday 7th March.  Here are some of last years entries to inspire you.










Don’t forget to sponsor your child as part of our Read for Good Readathon. You have until Friday 8th March to raise as much money as possibly for a great cause. Please hand sponsorship forms and money to your child’s class teacher or the school office. Sponsorship forms will be handed out before half term.

Author visit

This year we are very lucky to have two author visits.

Award winning poet

Neal Zetter










'Rastamouse’ author

Michael De Souza

(Monday 25th Feb).

Both authors will be selling their books at the end of each day if you wish to purchase them.