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We are very excited to announce that we will be supporting Link to Hope’s Shoebox Appeal again this year. We have last year’s enormous success of 47 boxes to beat!

The special Shoeboxes of gifts are given to families who often have to make a choice between buying food or fuel at Christmas time – buying presents is just not a priority. Many of these families do not have running water, heating or electricity. Some live in appalling conditions, often living in just one or two rooms, and life for them is a real struggle to survive.

A shoebox for a family means that everyone receives a gift.  A scarf for the mum, a tape measure for the dad, toys and games for the children as well as stationery and coloured pens.  Also toiletries, toothpaste, shampoo and soap to keep everyone clean and free from the germs that make them ill. And of course sweets and chocolates for everyone – a family favourite!

We are kindly asking for monetary donations (for example 50p or £1), as well as empty shoeboxes and seasonal wrapping paper please. We will then use this money to buy items to fill and wrap all of our shoeboxes just as we usually do.

The deadline is Thursday 21st October (before half term).

COMPETITION—the class that raises the most money will get to enjoy a CAMPFIRE AFTERNOON during well-being time on a Friday!  This includes toasting marshmallows, singing songs and sharing stories.