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Recycle for Woking Award Winners

Westfield wins at recycling!

On Thursday 29th September Mrs Thomas and Mrs Maslin from Bumblebee Class were presented at a full council meeting with a "Recycle for Woking Award" for the school. Mrs Thomas has worked tirelessly with pupils to highlight the importance of recycling both within school and at home, and developed a scheme which, according to the Mayor, “reduces the volume of waste sent for disposal by either recycling or by reducing the waste produced”. Westfield Primary was described as a “worthy winner” and it was noted that the award, “recognises the school's enthusiastic participation and continued commitment to recycling”

Mrs Thomas said she was utterly delighted to have been so successful with the scheme and to have helped to recycle more within the school. She said, “Please keep up the good work everyone!”. The Golden Bin Award and Certificate can be viewed in the trophy cabinet in the main front hall.

The award ceremony can be viewed on the following link starting at 00:21:00