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Raffle tickets for sale - marvellous prizes!


Dear Parents/Carers

As part of our Summer Fayre on the 3rd July we are holding a raffle for which there are a number of fabulous prizes including;

1st - 19" LCD flat screen HDTV with Freeview

2nd - 14 day pass for David Lloyd

3rd - Voucher for a meal at Guru in Woking for two people

Tickets are 50p each or £2 for a book of 5 and two booklets have been sent home with each pupil. If you wish to purchase them please complete the stub so that prize winners can be contacted quickly and the draw will take place at around 4.00pm on the day of the fete (Friday 3rd July). We would be grateful if you could return monies collected, completed stubs and any unsold tickets in the envelope provided by Wednesday 1st July. If you would like to purchase extra tickets please come to the office.

Don’t forget it is mufti day on Friday 19th June, children may come dressed in their own clothes in exchange for a bottle or box of chocolates.

On the day of the School fayre we would like to be able to sell small cakes on our refreshment stall and would be very grateful for donations on the morning of 3rd July.

Lastly we would like to thank you in advance for your generous support.