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Safeguarding Statement


At Westfield Primary School we understand that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. All members of staff, including teaching and support staff receive safeguarding training throughout the year.

This covers all areas in the DFE document,"Keeping Children Safe in Education" (updated September 2023) – including the Prevent Strategy, FGM and Child Sexual Exploitation.

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Ms Julia Findlay – (Inclusion Leader). Telephone: 01483 764187.

Our Deputy Safeguarding Leads are:

Mrs Karyn Hing (Headteacher). Email: Telephone: 01483 764187.

Mrs Francesca McPhee (Deputy Head). Email: Telephone: 01483 764187.

Mrs Joanna Phillips (Assistant Head). Email: Telephone: 01483 764187

Mrs Claire Lee (Year 3 Teacher) Email: Telephone: 01483 764187

Mrs Rachel Sadler (SENCO) Email: Telephone: 01483 764187

Mrs Andrea Banks (Assistant Head ), Email: Telephone: 01483 764187

The Governor with responsibility for safeguarding in our school is Miss Kate Rimell - Email: Telephone: 01483 764187

Our DSL’s attend regular training to keep up to date with all issues relating to child protection and safeguarding.  We follow the Surrey Safeguarding Children Partnership (SSCP) procedures and the school has tight procedures that record issues that relate to child protection. We work with an array of agencies including Children’s Services, the School Nurse and the Police. Additional updates and training are given to staff as needed throughout the year. 

Vetting Procedures:

All members on the school staff have to have a DBS check (Disclosure and Barring Service) in order to work in school. This is regardless of the employee’s role so that cleaners, admin staff as well as teachers are all checked. In addition all volunteers and anybody who has regular contact with children are checked. Visitors to the school either provide their own DBS on arrival or are members of professional bodies who are registered by their employer, such as OFSTED inspectors or Local Authority Employees. Any one off visitor, such as a visiting author either provides their own DBS or signs one of the school’s Occasional Visitors’ forms. Parents who help out occasionally on school trips sign an Occasional Visitors’ form.

Risk Assessments:

Whilst we cannot remove risk, we look at ways of minimising that risk. These risk assessments are undertaken on areas such as classrooms, halls, playground and the car park. We carry out risk assessments for all school trips including our annual Year 6 residential trip. Risk assessments may be carried out for individuals who require some reasonable adjustments to support their learning and behaviour. This means that whist we cannot remove risk we have looked at ways of minimising that risk. These risk assessments are undertaken on areas such as classrooms, halls, playground and the car park. We carry out risk assessments for all school trips including our annual Year 6 residential trip.


Access to the school grounds, both for vehicles and pedestrians is via security gates. Staff have access to the gates by key codes and key fobs. Visitors can only gain access by gate release authorised by Office staff. All fire exits are either twist lock or bar push exits.


The school has an Equality policy that monitors any possible discrimination in the school in relation to any of the nine protected characteristics (Equality Act 2010). The School also makes annual returns on any racist incidents.

Westfield Primary School Safeguarding Children Statement 2023 - 2024

"It could happen here"

Safeguarding is everyone's business.

At Westfield Primary School we recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all pupils.

We make every effort to provide an environment in which children and adults feel safe, secure, valued and respected, and feel confident to talk if they are worried, believing they will be effectively listened to.

Our staff are trained to look out for signs of abuse or neglect. They are required to report these to the Designated Safeguarding Lead and follow clear procedures to implement our safeguarding objective to ensure children receive effective support, protection and justice. Our pupils are made aware of the adults they can talk to if they have any concerns and any matters reported are taken seriously.

We are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and follow our procedures to ensure children receive effective support, protection and justice. Child protection forms part of the school's safeguarding responsibilities.  We expect all staff, governors and volunteers to share this commitment to safeguarding our pupils.

We follow the Surrey Safeguarding Children Partnership's (SSCP) procedures and have a number of policies and procedures in place which contribute to our safeguarding commitment, including our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy. A copy of this policy is available on our website. We actively support the government’s Prevent agenda.

The purpose of this policy is to provide staff, volunteers and governors with the framework they need in order to keep children safe and secure in our school. This policy is kept under constant review and revised when necessary to reflect  developing safeguarding concerns.  It is reinforced by regular training and updates for staff. The policy also informs parents and carers how we will safeguard their children whilst they are in our care.

We regularly review the effectiveness of our safeguarding procedures within both the senior leadership team and Local Governing Body of the school.

If you are concerned about a child’s welfare, please record your concern, and any observations or conversation heard, and report to one of the DSLs as soon as possible on the same day.

The Surrey Childrens' Single Point of Access (SPA) can be contacted on 0300 470 9100 or out of hours on 01483 517898, email

If you would like some advice on how to keep your child safe on line please see:

NSPCC Online Safety


NSPCC Share Aware

NSPCC Underwear Rule:

Thinking of leaving your child at home?

Law on leaving your child home alone (


NSPCC: E-mail: or  telephone: 0808 800 5000

CHILDLINE: Telephone: 0800 1111

PACE: (Parents against child exploitation) Tel: 0113 240 5226

ONE IN FOUR (Advocacy service, counselling service and information service for those who have experiences sexual abuse.)