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February 2016

  • Feb 2016 Language of the Month - Mandarin

    Published 02/02/16

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  • Wanda, our reading dog.

    Published 01/02/16

    Wanda, the reading dog, is now in her second year of listening to children at Westfield Primary school read.  The current children have decided that she prefers stories about animals and nature, especially dogs and cats.  Dogs’ eating their dinner is her absolute favourite topic!  Wanda is a very good listener, even though she might appear to be sleeping at times, she is keeping at least one ear on the story.


    All of the children really look forward to reading to Wanda and each week and she certainly looks pleased to see them.  Channelle said “She is a wonderful dog and she makes me feel very happy when I read to her.  She is really cute and clever and can wave goodbye with her paw!”

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  • Chinese New Year

    Published 01/02/16

    On Tuesday 26th January Westfield took part in creating Chinese lanterns and decorations in time for the new Chinese New Year.

    In year 3 and 4 the children’s topic is “The Great Dividing Wall” which is heavily linked to China and so was a great way to enhance their learning around the topic.

    During the activity the children had to be perform extremely accurate folds and cuts to create a high quality lantern and decoration. The children enjoyed making them so much they wanted to take them home before we even finished!

    Later in the week the children completed the lanterns with sequins and tissue paper to embellish the look of their lantern.

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  • Open afternoon for Dads & Grandads

    Published 01/02/16

    On Friday 22nd January Westfield held an open afternoon for Dads and Grandads and other relations. This gave the Dads and Grandads and all other relations a chance to come in and learn with our wonderful children. Similarly it gave the children a wonderful opportunity to carry out tasks with their family and friends. The turnout of adults was excellent and there was a real buzz around the school. Year 3 and 4 made the Great Wall of Westfield! This was a scaled down model of the real Great Wall of China. The challenge was to create a lifelike replica and see if would stretch the whole way across the hall. Sure enough with all classes combining their efforts the wall ran the entire length of the hall, this was a great team effort. The Reception classes made bridges and boats to help The Gingerbread Man, Years 1 & 2 made Dinosaur habitats, and years 5 & 6 built space ships and rockets.

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