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Page 15

  • KS1 Sports Day CANCELLED

    Published 11/07/16

    KS1 Sports Day CANCELLED 12 July 16

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  • Summer Fayre 2016

    Published 11/07/16

    The Fayre was a great success, everyone enjoyed themselves immensely. The total profit made on the day was £1456.00. This is used to fund additional workshops, Christmas pantomimes, and other exciting opportunities for your children. We would like to thank you for your support with this event. We would also like to thank The Hoe Valley Ukulele Band for playing on the day.






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  • Language of the Month

    Published 05/07/16

    Vietnamese - the language of the month for July.

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  • KS1 Sports Day - Postponed until July 12th.

    Published 30/06/16

    The grounds maintenance team have been unable to mark and prepare the ground due to the weather. The Sports day will be postponed until July12th. We apologise for any inconvenience.
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  • KS2 Sports Day Cancelled

    Published 29/06/16

    Unfortunately due to the current weather conditions the field will not be able to be used for sporting events tomorrow. Therefore we are cancelling the KS2 sports day. However, the children will still have the opportunity in school, weather permittin
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  • KS2 Sports Day POSTPONED

    Published 20/06/16

    KS2 Sports Day has been postponed until 30th June due to the poor weather and a water logged field. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

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  • Steel Pan Workshops

    Published 17/06/16

    Just before May half term, years 1 to 6 took part in a steel pan workshop as part of Olympics week.

    During the workshops the children learnt to play the pans in unison and created a short piece of music. They thoroughly enjoyed learning to play the steel pans and they sounded fantastic too.

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  • The Queen's 90th Birthday

    Published 17/06/16

    On Friday 10th June we celebrated The Queen’s 90th Birthday.  The children and staff were able to come into school dressed as famous British characters from past or present such as, authors, actors, literary characters, sports men and women, Kings and Queens  or they could wear red, white and blue. At lunch time a “street party” themed lunch was eaten by all the children sitting together at the tables in the playground.

    We would like to wish Her Majesty a very Happy Birthday.






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  • Bug Man In Reception

    Published 16/06/16

    On Friday 10th June all the Reception classes received a visit from Paul, the Mini-beast man, and his wife Lesley. They brought along many of their reptiles and mini-beasts which we were allowed to touch and even hold if were feeling brave enough! Some of them were amazing - we saw an African bullfrog, a python, a tarantula and many more.




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  • Yoga Workshops

    Published 16/06/16

    On Wednesday some classes took part in a yoga workshop.  We learnt yoga poses, games and relaxation techniques.  We think yoga will be a brilliant way to help with anxiety, stress and self-esteem.  We all thoroughly enjoyed the day and all commented on the noticeable calm in the classroom after the sessions!  We look forward to the yoga lunchtime club in school in September.


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