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Page 5

  • Aspirations Day

    Published 29/09/21

    Westfield’s Aspirations Day took place on Thursday 23rd September and it was certainly a day to remember! The children dressed up as careers they wanted to be, and they had really given it a lot of thought….we had everything from the police, teaching, vets to chefs, café owners and artists! It was fantastic to see the children interested in so many varied career choices.

    We also had a lot of visitors who had given up their time to talk to the children about their chosen careers. Our local MP came to visit, one of our governors, the fire service, RNLI, players and managers from Woking Football Club, a representative from Human Resources, referees, a nurse and many more.

    There were also fun activities to do, it was an amazing day!


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  • The Lightbox Art Installation.​​​​​​​

    Published 29/09/21

    During the Summer Term 2021, some Year 5 children had the opportunity to take part in an art project with The Lightbox art gallery in Woking. The       children had to design and make a collaborative piece of art based on Eduardo Paolozzi's Hands of the Sculptor. The children in Year 5 discussed how our hands could represent hard work throughout a person’s life, as they change with the person and the activities in which they encounter in their lives. We decided to incorporate this thought into making our own clay hands, with detailed        patterns on the palms. The hands were attached to a tree-like structure,     representing the growth of people within their own lives.  

    The artwork was put on display at The Lightbox art gallery during July and       August and viewed by many people visiting the gallery. Well done, Year 5! 


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  • School re-opens Thursday 2nd September

    Published 20/07/21

    Have a lovely Summer break.

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  • School Photos

    Published 09/10/20

    Please return by the deadline of Tuesday 20th October.

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  • Race 4 Life

    Published 06/10/20

    As you may be aware Cancer Research UK has been raising money for many years to help fund research into finding a cure and better treatments for cancer.

    This year, the Race for Life events have had to be held differently, with the organisation asking people to walk around their local area.  We have decided to spend some of our PE sessions joining in with this event, to help raise the profile of the charity. 

    Our Years 4, 5 and 6 walked around the school site on Wednesday, 30th September.  They all received a Race 4 Life medal for their efforts.

    As a school, we have made a donation to the charity on behalf of the children.

    Everyone had a good time walking together, and the weather was pretty kind to us! The forecast leading up to Wednesday had been heavy rain for the day. We were very lucky as the day was mainly dry!

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  • Red, White & Blue Day

    Published 06/10/20

    On Friday 11th September Miss Sarah Jane, ‘The Vintage Singer’ came and performed for us! She had originally been booked for our ‘VE 75 Years Day’ back in May, but lockdown meant that couldn’t happen. Undaunted we arranged for her to come in September, to celebrate us all being back together again and to mark the end of our themed diversity week.

    We were very mindful that everyone needed to be safe and we were very lucky with the weather, which meant that we could hold the performances outside. We held two performances and made sure all year group bubbles were socially distanced from each other.

    Miss Sarah-Jane sang songs from the 1940s, explaining to the children that the songs were the top of the charts in their day and the singers were the 1940s’ equivalent to today’s Little Mix and Justin Bieber!

    The children ate their lunch while watching the concert, it was like a real street party! One of our school governors, Ms Janet Dunn, also joined us for the concert, she helped to make sure we were all safely enjoying the day. The concerts ended with the song ‘We’ll Meet Again’. It was a really lovely way to celebrate being back in school together again!


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  • Don't forget to sign up for Parent's Evening

    Published 06/10/20

    For the letter with the details to sign up please go the the pupils tab, and go to your child's class. 

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  • The School internet is down.

    Published 28/09/20

    Unfortunately the School internet is down. We have engineers working on the situation.

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  • Welcome Back!

    Published 03/09/20

    We were thrilled to be able to welcome back ALL our pupils this week! All the staff agree it is lovely to see all the children’s smiling faces and hear their news.

    Bubble machines, bunting and banners welcomed the children back into school. The chidlren all quickly settled into their new classrooms and were ready for the business of learning!

    Mrs Karyn Hing, and the staff have really missed having all the children in school and are looking forward to the term ahead.

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  • ALL pupils return on Wednesday 2nd September

    Published 31/08/20

    We look forward to seeing the children back.

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