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  • Positivity
  • Respect
  • Independence
  • Diversity
  • Excellence

Page 8

  • Dad's Open Afternoon

    Published 12/02/19

    Thank you to all those that attended the open afternoon. We had an attendance of over 230. It was lovely to see all the hard work going on in the classes.



















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  • Friday Feb 1st - School is open with relaxed entry until 10am.

    Published 01/02/19

    School is open with relaxed entry until 10am.

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  • Winter Weather reminders

    Published 14/11/18

    As the wintery months continue we would like to remind you that in the event that the school needs to be closed due to bad weather conditions, Surrey schools make announcements on Eagle Radio 96.4fm and we will post information on our website. We will also send a text message in the event that the school needs to be closed.

    However, please listen to the radio if you have not heard from us and the weather looks questionable– technology is great when it works, but if there is a problem, we wouldn’t want your child to set off for school. Please ensure the school office has your up to date mobile number.

    Should weather conditions turn cold we ask that:

    Students and parents should be mindful of their journey to school and allow extra time. Bonsey Lane is often treacherous and the pedestrian paths have in the past not been treated by Surrey County Council. So we ask that parents/ carers bringing children to school should walk with extreme caution and avoid driving down Bonsey Lane at all if road conditions become icy. THANK YOU!

    When bringing children to school they may come in wearing alternative sturdy footwear (boots) and warm clothes and should change into dry school footwear/ uniform on arrival

    As always the safety of our children and staff is paramount in any decision to close the school.


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  • Our Remembrance Poppy Cascade

    Published 02/11/18

    The poppies were handmade by every child in the school.                  
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  • Open Evening

    Published 01/11/18

    If required, children who attended the Open Evening on 8th November may have a relaxed entry. They will be required to be in school by 9.30am. 

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  • Poppy Appeal 2018

    Published 29/10/18

    Poppies will be on sale within the school day for your child to purchase.

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  • Usain Bolt Sculpture

    Published 02/10/18

    During Diversity Week, every year group learnt about an inspirational person; Year 6 chose Usain Bolt. Throughout the week the children completed cross  curricular activities surrounding the topic of Usain Bolt. From writing              biographies, making clay Olympic medals, to analysing his race times. The       children felt Usain was an incredibly inspiring role model, who achieved great things. One of his most inspirational quotes is, “I know what I can do, so I never doubt myself.”

    To add to the excitement of the week, an artist, Steve Porter, came into school to help Year 5 and 6 make a sculpture of Usain Bolt. Year 5 spent the day      creating his shape out of chicken wire and paper mache, while Year 6 added layers of coloured tissue paper and paint to complete this magnificent sculpture.


    This incredible piece of artwork is currently sitting centre stage in our lobby for everyone to see.


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  • Book Land (book swap).

    Published 02/10/18

    We look forward to you all coming in and borrowing a book from Book Land. Don’t forget once you have finished reading the book to return it back to the shed so that other children can continued to read and borrow books. It is open at the end of every school day by the year 2 block.

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  • School Mosaic

    Published 02/10/18

    KS1 enjoyed taking part in a mosaic workshop. All the  children worked with an artist to create an image of our school badge. The artist was very impressed by the children’s skills,  especially Reception who appeared to have some previous experience of grouting! 

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  • Have a nice summer break.

    Published 20/07/18

    School re-opens on Tuesday September 4th. 

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