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Year 3

Welcome to Owls and Robins

Welcome back to the Summer term! We hope you have had a lovely Easter break and have been able to enjoy some time outdoors to blow away the cobwebs of Winter. We hope you are all raring to go for your final term in Year 3 which is full of creative projects and lots of great learning.

This Summer Term, we will be learning all about the Tudor period, the Tudor Royal Family and the famous discoveries made by explorers of that time. We are really looking forward to our trip in May, at the Winchester Science Centre, which will help further our knowledge and understanding of Science. In Science this term we will be pairing our science learning about plants and plant life cycles with a unit on light and shadow, which will include lots of fun, practical investigations. Whilst in our Geography lessons, we will be learning how to accurately read a map and about the eight compass points, using this knowledge to create our own maps and sets of directions.

In Art we will be researching the artist Hans Holbein and mimicking his artistic style and techniques to create a portrait of Henry VIII. And continuing with our Tudor topic, in DT we will be attempting to make Tudor houses out of cereal boxes! In P.E as the weather gets (hopefully) brighter and warmer we will be spending more time on the field, learning how to play rounders, taking part in athletic events and getting ready for sports day!

We can’t wait to get started!

From Mrs Lee and Miss Malhotra




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