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Year 5

Welcome to Penguins & Puffins


Wow! The last term in Year 5 already. We hope you are all safe and well and have found lots of interesting things to do to keep you busy over the Easter holidays!

This term, we will start our new topic of Island Invasion. We are going to be learning all about the Vikings, how they lived and their invasions of Britain. For our Art and DT we are hoping to learn about Viking longhouses and ships and eventually design and create our own Viking bridges. In Science, we are going to learn about Forces.

Don’t forget that the children should be reading and practicing their spellings every evening. If your child reads 5 times at home, they can move their plane on our ‘Around the World’ display in school.

We look forward to continuing working with you and your children during this academic year. If you have any concerns or worries about anything at all, please do let us know.


Miss Beattie and Miss Cox

Miss Beattie

Miss Cox


​These books are read as class texts over the course of the year to encourage positive and guided discussion of the protected characteristics. At Westfield, we strive to create an environment where children can share their opinions and ask questions

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